候猥琐男已经神秘物请,神秘物显很热走王毅笑:“Hello, wele to join the mercenary pany, I wele you on behalf of all the people!”(欢迎,欢迎加入雇佣兵,代表欢迎!)
“You're the boss! It's nice to meet you, and I hope we'll have a good time together!”王毅笑!(老吧!很高兴认识,希望合愉快!)
“I thought we were going to be in trouble. It was so simple. I'm glad to meet you, too! The, Fang Ping, you father and son to go to rest first! You have done a good job, and your mission will be on your account soon, if there is anything else, please say it!”刘芒声!(交谈很麻烦,原简单啊,很高兴认识!方愧、方平,父两先休息吧!任务完很色,佣金马打账户,果别请吧!)
“Boss, we are not here for the money, or I have a request to get Wang Yi to our special operations team, our special operations team need such talent. So, boss, can you think about it, our relationship with Wang Yi is very good, so I ask you to promise me!”方愧声,连头愿放弃王毅才!(老,钱,请求王毅弄特战队,特战队需才。老考虑,跟王毅关系很,请求答应吧!)
“Why don't you go home first! I will consider this, and Wang Yi is not yet not yet a test, tell the truth Wang Yi's story I also heard! It's really a talent. I want to stay here, but you said it, so I'm telling you, if Wang Yi is through all the examination, then I'll let him stay in your special bat unit, how about that?”刘芒声!(,先回吧!考虑,再王毅考核嘛,实话王毅故听!确实才,留居,跟吧,王毅果通考核让留特战队,怎?)
“Thank you, boss!”父二声,王毅转身向外走!
【讲真,近直野果阅读书追更,换源切换,朗读音色, 安卓苹果均。】
刘芒两笑:“You boy, just e to us here a few days there are so many people to rob you, you are really a talent ah, I would like to use you but so many departments in the use of you, there is no way! I can only give you to other departments, but you must pass the examination, as to what kind of asses*ent, they will tell you, we still do business!”(,才几抢,真才啊,很部门抢,办法!给别部门,必须通考核,至什考核,跟,办正吧!)刘芒拿份合王毅笑:“If you look at the contract, if there is no problem, then sign it below. The contract is valid for 50 years and five years from now you can quit here and choose your career if you want to stay here and stay here, but I need to remind you not to get too much blood on your hands, so you will always be”(合果问题话,签字。份合效期50五退选择职业果留继续留,必提醒沾染太血,话永远被追杀!)
王毅很明白旦踏条路回头路,份合很问题比较苛刻签字,因签字话任务宣告失败!拿笔右脚认真写王毅两字,写笑:“Thank the boss, remind but we also know, if not a few more enemies how to earn money! So you don't have to worry about this, I have no relationship with the troops, I now know that money is the most reliable thing! So I need a lot of money!”(谢谢老,提醒知,果几仇怎挣钱啊!担,跟部队已经丝毫关系,知钱才靠东西!需量钱!)(未完待续)