婧芝走,靠近坐位,声:“Thank you, the ‘Brave Warrior!’”(谢谢,“勇敢勇士”!)
“My pleasure.(荣幸。)” Edmond微笑回答。
“As usual, we’ve got a lot to do today.(像往常,今做)。”,婧芝准备打印材料给。
“As you see, there’re three questio here.”(正,三问题已经打印。)
惯性,婧芝微微皱眉,轻轻摇头:“T to be a great ‘revolution’ iyle, cause I’m goio get iraightforwardly in the class.”(今,教风格很变革,因让更加直接参与课堂。)
听婧芝刚刚啰嗦几句,Alfred 沉住气,口问:“What do you mea iraightforwardly’?”(“更加直接参与进”什思?)
“Good question!(问题!)”婧芝微微点点头,解释,“To be more precise, before I show you on the sy ao a question, I’d like you to present your ow first. That is to say, you have to tell me what you’ve got in minds about the questi my ahe s. I know your ideas might doesn’t matter. As loruly depe you’ve exerted, it would be not too diffie to find out what I do to help you to learn, which is posed to do as your tutor here.(更明确,答案屏幕展示,希望首先展示答案。,需告诉关问题法,屏幕答案。知法并完。关系。它真靠努力(),让做什帮助习应该算太难,正助教应该做。)
教室立刻安静两秒钟,却立刻被另声音打破。Alfred沉住气,口问:“What if we haven’t got a oion?”(果问题什法怎办?)
“Well,”(吧)婧芝微微笑,,“If, I mean if, n you to do that, someo done any work before d also ot say anything about oion when I ame, then that persoly read the question once for us, as the slightest effort to that question. Satisfied?”(果,果,鼓励做,什课做任何工,叫名字候关某问题什,直接问题给读遍,问题付。满吗?)
等反应,坐Alfred旁边William接问:“Should we say something ridiculous, what en to our final marks?”
“No(),”婧芝微微摇头,“There will be ion in my d it has nothing to do with your final marks in the exam. Of course I hope you’ve g perfect, but if not, I suppose we cether to improve it.(课任何课程评估,它与终考试取分数关。希望东西毫瑕疵,果,应该改进它。)
婧芝话顿让毫顾忧,连害羞韩孩Eun-ju口问:“Should I raise my hand, if I have any idea?”(果什法,应该举吗?)
“Yes, if you like. Or I would randomly fihat here.”婧芝回答。(,愿。或者随机找某,果愿者话。)
教室再次安静。婧芝退几步,点击鼠标,屏幕显示几英文,头:“Question One(问题)”。
【话,目朗读听书app,野果阅读,www.yeguoyuedu.com 安装新版。】
“Now, shall we have a look at our first question here.”(,让今问题吗?)
婧芝刚刚问题读遍,Alfred早已经举,跃跃欲试。婧芝点点头,句:“Yes, please.” Alfred便始滔滔绝。
Alfred半分钟间法完。婧芝回答非常满,句:“Great! Thank you!”(!谢谢!)
紧接,Marco举,婧芝点头示,:“Go ahead, please.”(请吧。)便特洪亮声音口:“In my opinion,……”(……)
“Ext! What a good ahank you!(极!真答案!谢谢!)
其几纷纷举,点什,婧芝解释:“Actually, I suppose Alfred and Marco have covered all associated with this question. So, I thiop here.”(实,Alfred Marco已经与问题关提。,停吧。)
“Here is the ‘offiswer’ to this question. You may pare yours with it. As I mentioned, Alfred and Marts are suffit to this question.”(问题“官方答案”。比它。正提,AlfredMarco观点问题已经足够。)
“I think we move on now.”完,屏幕另张幻灯片,标题“Question Two”。
“Well, we’ve dohank you for your positive parti. I really appreciate it. I hope this will ue till the end of this semester. endance record. Could you please take out your student cards? Is there a a student card?”(吧,完。谢谢积极参与。真非常感激。希望持续期结束。,考勤候。请拿卡。谁带卡吗?)
婧芝迅速,眨眼功夫,便带“火柴盒”扫描完卡。课铃响,婧芝松口气,微微笑,:“Thank you. You may leave week.”(谢谢。离。周见。)